- Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) - Review of mechanisms
- Safety of Wireless Technologies: The Scientific View
- EHT Founder Devra Davis To Speak at World’s Largest Free Health Conference
- Terraforming
- What is terraforming and why should you care?
- Moss Landing Power Plant Fire – Tech’s Wake-Up Call
- In Memory of Arthur Firstenberg
- Theory of Mind and the Dimension of Time
- AT&T Withdraws Cell Tower Application in La Jolla After Town Hall Featuring EHT
- Statement on the Passing of Arthur Firstenberg
- Verbijsterend onderzoek in VS toont aan dat gevaccineerde kinderen 170% meer kans hebben op autisme
- Het spike-eiwit geproduceerd door de Pfizer- en Moderna-vaccins
- Is it true that trees closer to phone towers are turning lifeless?
- Ultrasonography can document dynamic in vivo rouleaux formation due to mobile phone exposure
- Press Releases
- Statement on the Confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services
- Cellphones and Your Blood: What You Need to Know
- Hoe plastic de schildklier, hersenen en voortplanting aantast
- Boekbespreking The Sensitive Patient’s Healing Guide
- Boekbespreking The Sensitive Patient’s Healing Guide
- Klacht?
- Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Mebendazole in Cancer: 2024 Peer-Reviewed Protocol in Cancer
- Controlling Chronic Diseases and Acute Infections with Vitamin D Sufficiency
- Recap of the 118th Congress (2023-2024)
- 118th Congress (2023-2024) – Resources and Information
- Congressional Bills That Will Increase Wireless Radiation
- SBM2024 en op naar 2025
- SBM2024 en op naar 2025
- Pig-Pen vs. Wiping Up the World: 2025’s Evolutionary Challenge for Tech, Health, and Humankind
- SBM-2015 en ICNIRP richtlijnen, links naar SBM-2024
- What Would Captain Kirk Say If Starlink Interfered With The Prime Directive?
- Effects of light, electromagnetic fields and water on biological rhythms
- Finding Our Ecological Niche in the Web of Life
- Electromagnetic Fields, Radiation and Health. Overview
- The roles of intensity, exposure duration, and modulation on the biological effects of RFR
- What would Van Gogh paint if he could not see the Milky Way? Light pollution and Starlink.
- What Would the Three Wise Men Say About Starlink?
- Leading Researcher Finds Major Flaws in Widely Publicized WHO Analyses Claiming No Adverse Effects of Cell Phone Radiation
- “The Invisible Poison: Unmasking the Health Risks of EMF Radiation” by the European Business Review
- Costa Rica Criminally Sues Huawei For Major 5g International Crimes
- Ohio Lawmakers: Letters to the FCC on its Outdated Wireless Radiation Exposure Limits
- 7 punten uit 520 paginas tellende rapport over de COVID-pandemie en ...
- Smart Meter Citizen Science, Information, and Referrals (DRAFT)
- Straling in elektrische auto’s gaat gepaard met gezondheidsklachten
- School zonder schermen
- EMF Meters Available at U.S. Libraries – Measure Wireless Radiation Levels In Your Home
- Sharon Kehnemui, Vice President of Operations
- Joe Sandri, General Counsel and Vice President of Legal and Regulatory Affairs
- Dr. Robert Brown, Vice President, Scientific Research and Clinical Affairs
- Dr. Kent Chamberlin, President, Environmental Health Trust
- EMF/RF: Lifespan vs Healthspan: Suppressing Science About Harm or Choosing Evolutionary Healing?
- Zonnepanelen, omvormers en vuile stroom
- Elektrogevoeligen erkend onder VN-verdrag Handicap en Wet Gelijke Behandeling
- EMF kaart NL: Samen straling op de kaart zetten
- Tech, Cars, Radiant Circuits, Self Esteem; Safeguarding Subtle Energy – Because We Know Better
- Apple Watches do not belong in water, a pool or ocean, the reasons may surprise you
- EMF radiation illness, rapid population decline, and the rise of 5G robots
- Problematische chemicaliën een bedreiging voor de gezondheid
- Press Room Environmental Health Trust
- Interview met Dr. Malhotra (cardioloog en publicist)
- Loudoun County Public Schools Board Votes to Ban Cell Towers on School Properties
- The UN and the WHO – Owned by the Wireless Industry?
- Letter to a Local Council Member: What Kind of Community Do We Really Want?
- De nieuwe SBM2024 gepubliceerd
- Earth guardians ask why we are out of balance? Fire hazards of EV chargers & smart meters on hot springs sacred land
- EHT Urges NTIA to Reconsider New Draft Guidance to Divert Some BEAD Funding to Unreliable LEO Satellites and Unlicensed Fixed Wireless Networks
- Experts Available for Press Interviews on Cell Phone Radiation and Health
- Stralingsarme zonnepanelen
- Stralingsarme zonnepanelen
- The Healthier Tech Podcast: Verminder je blootstelling aan EM straling – met Jan-Rutger Schrader
- A Tale of Two Cisterns
- Brief aan gemeenteraadsleden en kandidaten
- Limit values legal? ''A groundbreaking ruling!'' Interview with lawyer Sibylle Killinger
- Derde Europese bijeenkomst voor elektrohypersensitieve personen
- Stap voor stap erkenning van EHS in Nederland
- Geoengineering: Political Games and Toxic Encounters
- The Many Forgotten Health Benefits of Aspirin
- 4 Tips om smart city-projecten te stoppen
- Elektrogevoeligen kunnen zich beroepen op VN-verdrag Handicap en Wet gelijke behandeling
- EHS Documentary ‘Remembering Nearfield’ Selected by CINEHEALTH 2024 Film Festival, Philadelphia
- Ginkgo biloba, werkingsmechanismen en klinische toepassingen
- The-Havana-Syndrome-Hearing-2024
- Increasing Cancers in Millennials & GenX? Olympic Bruises & the Need for EMF Science Diplomacy with China & Russia
- Data Centers vs. Utah’s Disappearing Great Salt Lake: Framing Farmers and ‘Climate’?
- Two German cities turn off Wi-Fi at night to help people sleep better
- Autism
- UK: Smart City Trials Making a Spa City Sick?
- What is 5G?
- New Study: Cell Tower Radiation Increased Oxidative Stress in Honeybees After One Year
- Burgers gemeente Renkum willen openbaarheid over smart city plannen – prachtig burgerinitiatief
- Ongehoord Nieuws besteedt uitgebreid aandacht aan gevolgen straling voor gezondheid
- Astronomers-in-court-against-fcc-and-spacex/
- Nieuw! Body & Mind workshop live 22 mei
- Nieuw! Body & Mind workshop live 22 mei
- Excessive Smartphone Use Is Associated With Health Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults
- Stichting EHS op weg naar erkenning EHS als handicap
- Franse rechtbank beschermt persoon met EHS
- Ivermectine: redding of kwakzalverij? en vervolg
- Presentatie door Stralingsbewust op 6 maart tijdens bijeenkomst Kennisplatform EMV over gewenste stralingsarme woon- en werkplekken
- Stichting EHS in beroep tegen veiling 3,5 GHz frequentie – Zitting op dinsdag 12 maart